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Oct 17, 2008

Searching Online Can help your Brain get stronger

According to latest results set to be published on the American Journal for Geriatric Psychiatry, Internet searches can actually help strengthen the aging brain - thanks to the greater mental "activity" that it undergoes while waiting for the search results and the following "scan".

Studies in the past have shown that any mentally tasking act has the capability to change the way the brain responds to the task. This is known to create a "mental reserve" that comes in handy when the brain is subjected to insult and injury. Additionally, this increase in the mental reserve is reportedly capable of lessening the effects of the inevitable - mental aging.

A recent research conducted to verify these claims threw in some interesting results. Expensive MRI equipments were used to monitor the cranial activity of two sets of people: Internet regulars and novices. As for on what basis the teams have been classified in to "regulars" and novices", regulars were those who went online at least once daily, while the novices were the ones who have never been online or use the Internet once or twice in a month.
