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Jan 5, 2009

Avoid those arm strains caused by a mouse

If your boss is too cheap to buy you a comfortable working chair that has arm rests, letting you sit on a plastic stool all day long, perhaps it is time you considered investing $19.99 in the Arm-Rest Table Pad. The name of the device is pretty much self-explanatory - it was specially designed to attach to most work tables, with the aim to reduce arm fatigue, prevent injuries and save money on medical bills in the long run. Constructed from sturdy metal,

you won’t need a single tool to assemble this and comes in handy at both home and the office. Just make sure the table is no thicker than 5cm and you’re good to go. If you need to get this for the office, we doubt that you can claim the $19.99 from the Claims Department either. Find a new employer already!

Source: usbfever