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Oct 13, 2010

Biocar powered wood Pellets

This is the Bioracer from a Swedish Precer Group, and it uses biomass-based power plants for getting vehicles in motion. It is unique as the vehicle runs on wood pellets.

The vehicle has a 16 horsepower electric motor which is powered by a “24 to 96 volt, 100 to 400 amp-hour battery pack”. That is just enough power for three hours, and every 3 to 6 pounds of burned wood pellets is good enough for 10 miles of driving. 
 Are we looking at an age where we go to what was once called a gas station and say: “Gimme four gallons of pellets”. Perhaps in addition to fueling the vehicle, it can heat it as well. 

Of course, I can’t help but wonder if using wooden pellets would be environmentally friendly. I mean, that wood comes from trees, but I thought one of the whole precepts of saving the Earth was to save trees. Creating wood-based fuel would create a need for destroying more trees. 

Source: Biomass Authority


At least solid biomass pellets are made out of natural wood process byproducts, have a really good burning efficiency, don't contain a lot of carcinogenic burning byproducts that mineral fuels do and trees can be cultivated again and again vs mineral fuels that can't

At least solid biomass pellets are made out of natural wood process byproducts, have a really good burning efficiency, don't contain a lot of carcinogenic burning byproducts that mineral fuels do and trees can be cultivated again and again vs mineral fuels that can't

May 3, 2011 5:03 PM